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Level 1D
Unit 8: My Place
- Invite others, accept and decline invitations to their home
- Give and ask for addresses and contact details (e.g. email, mobile number)
- Describe identifying features of their home (e.g. two-storey, brick, white fence)
- Understand and give simple directions to their homes
- Identify rooms in the house
- Name essential household items relevant for visitors (e.g. meals, toilet paper)
Unit 9: Events and Celebrations
- Communicate about events, celebrations and holidays
- Talk about destinations (places) and modes of travel
- Describe and discuss plans
- Make interruptions (e.g. ask a third person for the information or suggest a different idea)
Level 2A
Unit 10: All About Me
- Exchange personal information
- Tell about life events, including language learning
- Describe and give information about others
- Talk about extended family/whānau and family origins
Unit 11: Home life
- Talk about activities, food and things around the house
- Discuss home life and housework
- Describe personal experiences about mishaps in the home
**A few days before the course starts, you will receive an email with access to resources and course details.