NZSL 4 Whānau

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  • give and ask personal information about self and others
  • practice fingerspelling own name and other names
  • Identify their own background (name of language and ethnicity)
  • ask for clarification, correction and confirmation
  • build knowledge about conversation behaviours (getting attention, maintaining eye-contact, pointing, etc.)
  • learn numbers 1-10
  • share brief information about immediate and extended family/whanau
  • talk about everyday emotions and behaviours
  • express negative statements using ‘none’ and ‘no’
  • learn numbers 11-20 and age numbers 1-21
  • ask and tell about pets
  • name common items in the kitchen (i.e. food, drinks, dishes, cutlery)
  • understand simple conversation during meal times
  • make and respond to requests and offers for basic wants and needs
  • express likes and dislikes about food and drinks
  • use appropriate phrases to open and hold conversations using ‘excuse me’, ‘wait’, ‘wait-a-minute’ and ‘hold’
  • use culturally appropriate phrases for leaving the dining table